Yikun (Aiden) Han

I am a second-year Master's student in Data Science at the University of Michigan.

My research interests span the intersection of geometric deep learning, natural language processing, and AI for healthcare.

I am fortunate to be part of the CASI Lab at the University of Michigan, supervised by Prof. Ambuj Tewari. Additionally, I closely collaborate with the AI Health Lab at the University of Texas at Austin.

Feel free to contact me via email: yikunhan [at] umich.edu

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Beyond Answers: Transferring Reasoning Capabilities to Smaller LLMs Using Multi-Teacher Knowledge Distillation

Yijun Tian*, Yikun Han*, Xiusi Chen*, Wei Wang, Nitesh V. Chawla
arXiv, 2024
arxiv / code

We present TinyLLM, a knowledge distillation approach that transfers reasoning abilities from multiple large language models (LLMs) to smaller ones. TinyLLM enables smaller models to generate both accurate answers and rationales, achieving superior performance despite a significantly reduced model size.

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Mapping from Meaning: Addressing the Miscalibration of Prompt-Sensitive Language Models

Kyle Cox, Jiawei Xu, Yikun Han, Abby Xu, Tianhao Li, Chi-Yang Hsu, Tianlong Chen, Walter Gerych, Ying Ding
arXiv, 2024

We explore prompt sensitivity in large language models (LLMs), where semantically identical prompts can yield vastly different outputs. By modeling this sensitivity as generalization error, we improve uncertainty calibration using paraphrased prompts. Additionally, we propose a new metric to quantify uncertainty caused by prompt variations, offering insights into how LLMs handle semantic continuity in natural language.

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When Large Language Models Meet Vector Databases: A Survey

Zhi Jing*, Yongye Su*, Yikun Han*, Bo Yuan, Haiyun Xu, Chunjiang Liu, Kehai Chen, Min Zhang
arXiv, 2024

We survey the integration of Large Language Models (LLMs) and Vector Databases (VecDBs), highlighting VecDBs’ role in addressing LLM challenges like hallucinations, outdated knowledge, and memory inefficiencies. This review outlines foundational concepts and explores how VecDBs enhance LLM performance by efficiently managing vector data, paving the way for future advancements in data handling and knowledge extraction.

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A Community Detection and Graph-Neural-Network-Based Link Prediction Approach for Scientific Literature

Chunjiang Liu*, Yikun Han*, Haiyun Xu, Shihan Yang, Kaidi Wang, Yongye Su
Mathematics, 2024

We integrate the Louvain community detection algorithm with various GNN models to improve link prediction in scientific literature networks. This approach consistently boosts performance, with models like GAT seeing AUC increases from 0.777 to 0.823, demonstrating the effectiveness of combining community insights with GNNs.

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A Comprehensive Survey on Vector Database: Storage and Retrieval Technique, Challenge

Yikun Han, Chunjiang Liu, Pengfei Wang
arXiv, 2023

We review key algorithms for solving approximate nearest neighbor search in vector databases, categorizing them into hash-based, tree-based, graph-based, and quantization-based methods. Additionally, we discuss challenges and explore how vector databases can integrate with large language models for new opportunities.


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DREAM Olfactory Mixtures Prediction Challenge

Yikun Han, Zehua Wang, Stephen Yang, Ambuj Tewari
RECOMB/ISCB Conference on Regulatory & Systems Genomics with DREAM Challenges, 2024
writeup / code / website / news / slide

We use pre-trained graph neural networks and boosting techniques to enhance odor mixture discriminability, transforming single molecule embeddings into mixture predictions with improved robustness and accuracy.

Research Internships

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University of Michigan (Aug. 2023 - Now)

Advisor: Prof. Ambuj Tewari

Research Topics:

[1] Graph Neural Networks

[2] Molecular Property Prediction

[3] Protein-Ligand Affinity Prediction

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University of Texas at Austin (Feb. 2024 - Now)

Advisor: Prof. Ying Ding, Prof. Jiliang Tang

Research Topics:

[1] Graph Retrieval-Augmented Generation

[2] Medical AI

[3] Collaborator Recommendation

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University of Notre Dame (Dec. 2023 - Mar. 2024)

Advisor: Prof. Nitesh V. Chawla

Research Topics:

[1] Knowledge Distillation

[2] Multi-Teacher Collaboration

[3] In-Context Learning

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Tianyuan Mathematical Center in Southwest China (May. 2022 - Nov. 2022)

Advisor: Prof. Gang Chen

Research Topics:

[1] LAPACK Optimization

[2] Parallel Computation for Large-Scale Matrices

[3] High-Performance Matrix Factorization and Back Substitution


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University of Michigan (Aug. 2023 - May. 2025)


Data Science

GPA: 3.894/4.0

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Sichuan University (Sep. 2019 - Jun. 2023)


Information Resources Management

GPA: 3.87/4.0

Rank: 2/76


RSGDREAM Travel Award, 2024

Outstanding Graduate, 2023

Second Prize Scholarship 2022

Outstanding Student, 2021

Outstanding Student, 2020

Book List

Click to view
Title Author Date
女ぎらい Chizuko Ueno 09-28-24
Frankissstein: A Love Story Jeanette Winterson 09-07-24
Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China Ezra F. Vogel 07-25-24
霸王别姬 李碧华 07-10-24
Flowers for Algernon Daniel Keyes 07-10-24
Murder on the Orient Express Agatha Christie 06-28-24
棋王·树王·孩子王 阿城 06-18-24
Mere Christianity Clive Staples Lewis 06-15-24
Aphorismen zur Lebensweisheit Arthur Schopenhauer 06-08-24
Graph Kernels: State-of-the-Art and Future Challenges Karsten Borgwardt 05-19-24
ラヴレター いわい しゅんじ 05-15-24
城南旧事 林海音 05-05-24
L'Amica Geniale Elena Ferrante 04-29-24
历史深处的忧虑 林达 04-20-24
球状闪电 刘慈欣 04-16-24
西游记 吴承恩 04-09-24
Il visconte dimezzato Italo Calvino 04-06-24
哭泣的骆驼 三毛 04-03-24
The Lost Salt Gift of Blood Alistair MacLeod 03-27-24
置身事内 兰小欢 03-14-24
我们仨 杨绛 03-03-24
Il barone rampante Italo Calvino 02-28-24
容疑者Xの献身 Keigo Higashino 02-14-24
Συμπόσιον Plato 02-06-24
Cien años de soledad García Márquez 02-05-24
Crónica de una muerte anunciada García Márquez 01-08-24
台北人 白先勇 01-01-24
Visualization Analysis & Design Tamara Munzner 11-27-23
沉默的大多数 王小波 11-24-23
上野先生、フェミニズムについてゼロから教えてください! Chizuko Ueno 11-20-23
Pequeño vals vienés Federico García Lorca 11-15-23
太白金星有点烦 马伯庸 11-12-23
Todesfuge Paul Celan 11-03-23
Kongres Futurologiczny Stanisław Lem 10-28-23
许三观卖血记 余华 10-23-23
The Conquest of Happiness Bertrand Russell 10-20-23
芙蓉镇 古华 10-15-23
A Pale View of Hills Kazuo Ishiguro 10-09-23
The Gods Themselves Isaac Asimov 10-05-23
Divina Commedia Dante Alighieri 09-27-23
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism Max Weber 09-13-23
La Poétique de l'Espace Gaston Bachelard 08-29-23
Cosmos Carl Sagan 08-28-23
世界3:图像志文献库 巫鸿 08-15-23
山海经 佚名 08-05-23
Ethnic America: A History Thomas Sowell 07-15-23
The Craft of Research, Fourth Edition Wayne C. Booth 06-21-23
Grokking Artificial Intelligence Algorithms Rishal Hurbans 06-21-23
To Kill a Mocking Bird Harper Lee 06-21-23
Socrates' Defense Plato 06-13-23
The Birth Of Tragedy Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche 06-08-23
讲了很久很久的中国妖怪故事 张云 06-05-23
D is for Digital Brian W. Kernighan 06-05-23
Ego & Id Sigismund Schlomo Freud 05-28-23
Morte accidentale di un anarchico Dario Fo 05-22-23
浪潮之巅(第四版) 吴军 05-15-23
2001: A Space Odyssey Arthur C. Clarke 05-07-23
The Art of loving Erich Fromm 05-05-23
可能性的艺术 刘瑜 04-16-23
倾城之恋 张爱玲 04-11-23
中国妖怪故事(全集) 张云 04-06-23
The Hot Zone Richard Preston Jr. 03-30-23
pandas数据处理与分析 耿远昊 03-28-23
往復書簡 限界から始まる Chizuko Ueno 03-20-23
The Grasshopper: Games, Life, and Utopia Bernard Suits 03-19-23
The Minority Report Philip K. Dick 03-12-23
Le Deuxième Sexe Simone de Beauvoir 02-16-23
Peasant Life in China Xiaotong Fei 02-12-23
命运 蔡崇达 01-20-23
The Remains of the Day Kazuo Ishiguro 01-02-23
Im Westen nichts Neues Erich Maria Remarque 11-28-22
聖母 Akiyosi Rikako 10-28-22
El jardín de senderos que se bifurcan Jorge Luis Borges 10-20-22
玩具修理者 Yasumi Kobayashi 10-10-22
De la démocratie en Amérique Alexis de Tocqueville 09-21-22
飞行云“비행운” Ae-ran Kim 08-23-22
A Story of Ruins Wu Hung 07-29-22
One Two Three... Infinity G.Gamov 06-28-22
C++ Primer Plus Stephen Prata 06-08-22
The OpenMP Common Core: Making OpenMP Simple Again Timothy G.Mattson 06-04-22
東京貧困女子 Atsuhiko Nakamura 06-05-23
Call Me by Your Name André Aciman 05-14-22
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Douglas Adams 05-06-22
Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry Rachel Joyce 04-30-22
鲁迅杂文集 鲁迅 04-17-22
サド侯爵夫人 Yukio Mishima 03-31-22
The Ph.D. Grind Philip J. Guo 03-28-22
Information and Knowledge Organisation in Digital Humanities Koraljka Golub 03-27-22
The Long Goodbye Raymond Chandler 03-24-22
西潮 蒋梦麟 03-08-22
Being Mortal Atul Gawande 02-25-22
IBICUS Pascal Rabaté 01-31-22
Ensaio sobre a Cegueira José Saramago 01-27-22
崖山 吕玻 01-15-22
哲学家们都干了些什么 林欣浩 01-13-22
Solaris Stanisław Lem 01-05-22
Political Order and Political Decay Francis Yoshihiro Fukuyama 12-31-21
El Retorno Roberto Bolaño 12-30-21
Selected Poems of George Baron George Gordon Byron 12-22-21
Alpha...directions Jens Harder 12-19-21
The Origins of Political Order Francis Yoshihiro Fukuyama 12-18-21
Auschwitz: A New History Laurence Rees 12-12-21
To the Lighthouse Virginia Woolf 12-09-21
The £1,000,000 Bank Note and Other Stories Mark Twain 12-01-21
Записки из подполья Фёдор Миха́йлович Достое́вский 11-19-21
Le città invisibili Italo Calvino 11-12-21
Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions Edwin A. Abbott 11-07-21
The Murder of Roger Ackroyd Agatha Christie 11-04-21
乡土中国 费孝通 10-27-21
谈美 朱光潜 10-24-21
The Nightingale & the Rose Oscar Wilde 10-23-21
The Painted Veil W. Somerset Maugham 10-19-21
Чернобилска молитва Svetlana Alexandrovna Alexievich 10-18-21
Lord of Light Roger Zelazny 10-14-21
箱庭図書館 Otsuichi 10-04-21
Poems New and Collected Maria Wisława Anna Szymborska 10-02-21
论语别裁 南怀瑾 09-30-21
论语译注 杨伯峻 09-30-21
生死场 萧红 09-30-21
了凡四训 袁了凡 09-27-21
On Liberty John Stuart Mill 09-27-21
Le Mythe de Sisyphe Albert Camus 09-24-21
Смерть Ивана Ильича Leo Tolstoy 09-22-21
The Royal Game Stefan Zweig 09-21-21
The End of Eternity Isaac Asimov 09-14-21
The Order of Time Carlo Rovelli 09-12-21
The Order of Time Carlo Rovelli 09-12-21
人间词话 王国维 09-08-21
Lying on the Couch Irvin Yalom 09-06-21
中国历代政治得失 钱穆 08-26-21
Sens Marc-Antoine Mathieu 08-15-21
Also sprach Zarathustra Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche 08-14-21
Klara and the Sun Kazuo Ishiguro 08-10-21
心に折り合いをつけて うまいことやる習慣 中村恒子 08-02-21
Counselling For Toads: A Psychological Adventure Robert de Board 07-23-21
猫城记 老舍 07-23-21
La Peste Albert Camus 07-15-21
Kinder-und Hausmärchen Grimms Märchen 07-08-21
桶川ストーカー殺人事件 清水潔 07-06-21
Le Petit Prince Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 06-26-21
OPUS Satoshi Kon 06-25-21
K.O. à Tel Aviv Asaf Hanuka 06-24-21
Tout Seul Christophe Chabouté 06-22-21
Jolies Ténèbres Marie Pommepuy 06-19-21
3 Secondes Marc-Antoine Mathieu 06-18-21
Demian: die geschichte von emil sinclairs jugend Hermann Hesse 06-14-21
Educated: A Memoir Tara Westover 06-05-21

Design and source code from Jon Barron's website